who we are

who we are

Need Institute Foundation was created in April 2017. This no profit Foundation main objective is to improve well-being of patients suffering from neurological diseases. At the same time we are daily committed in supporting young researchers to promote research in the Neurosciences field in order to have beneficial effects on treatment and rehabilitation of neurological diseases.



Francesca Mancini, after specializing in Neurology, obtained a PhD in “Neurological and Neuropsychic Sciences”. Subsequently she gained her work experience in various neurological centers, including the IRCCS Italian Auxological Institute of Milan. She also organizes and participates in training courses, seminars and conferences related to movement Disorders, both for healthcare personnel and for patients and their caregivers. She currently works as Neurologist Consultant of the Italian Diagnostic Center, of the San Carlo Clinic in Paderno Dugnano and of the Personal Services Company of the milanese Martinitt and Stelline Institutes and Pio Albergo Trivulzio. She Is Medical Director of the Parkinson Care Telemedicine Service of careApt.
She is attending the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy with Psychosomatic address.
Francesca Mancini, after specializing in Neurology, obtained a PhD in “Neurological and Neuropsychic Sciences”. Subsequently she gained her work experience in various neurological centers, including the IRCCS Italian Auxological Institute of Milan. She also organizes and participates in training courses, seminars and conferences related to movement Disorders, both for healthcare personnel and for patients and their caregivers. She currently works as Neurologist Consultant of the Italian Diagnostic Center, of the San Carlo Clinic in Paderno Dugnano and of the Personal Services Company of the milanese Martinitt and Stelline Institutes and Pio Albergo Trivulzio. She Is Medical Director of the Parkinson Care Telemedicine Service of careApt.
She is attending the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy with Psychosomatic address.

Founders and General

Council members

Dr. Ernesto Panza

Dr. Emanuele Panza

Dr. Massimo Corbo


Prof.ssa Laura Calzà

Neurobiology and Pre-clinical studies expert

Dott. Sandro Iannaccone

Head of the Cognitive-Motor Neurological Disorders Rehabilitation Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and President of the Scientific Society of Rehabilitation (SSR).

Dr. Marco Feligioni

Neuropharmacology and Translational
Medicine expert


Need Institute Foundation’s statute provides the setting up of the Well-deserving Members Committee composed by the Foundation’s benefactors, whose function is to contribute in formulating proposals in accordance with the social and cultural principles underlying the certificate of incorporation and the statute.
Well-deserving members are appointed by General Council for the moral, scientific and economic contribution provided in developing Foundation’s initiatives.
Currently the Committee consists of:

President Dr. Giuseppe Camera

President of Associazione Slanciamoci

Dr. Georgia Garuti

Member of Amalour Foundation London – UK

Dr.ssa Angelica Sella

President of Fondazione Sella – Biella


Dr. Massimo Caprino

Massimo Caprino obtained his Business Management Degree at Cattolica University in Milan. He has worked for several international Business consultancy companies before joining the medical environment, where he operated both in the institutional (European Community, Italian Ministry of Education, Regional Bureaus), industrial and clinical environments focusing on technological and manufacturing innovation and its organizational implementation. At the present time, he cooperates with the Scientific Committee at CCP (Casa Cura Policlinico in Milan) as Innovation Director, developing research projects with a strong multidisciplinary, translational and transnational content.
Massimo Caprino obtained his Business Management Degree at Cattolica University in Milan. He has worked for several international Business consultancy companies before joining the medical environment, where he operated both in the institutional (European Community, Italian Ministry of Education, Regional Bureaus), industrial and clinical environments focusing on technological and manufacturing innovation and its organizational implementation. At the present time, he cooperates with the Scientific Committee at CCP (Casa Cura Policlinico in Milan) as Innovation Director, developing research projects with a strong multidisciplinary, translational and transnational content.